PTCL Tax Certificate Information

Are you looking for the PTCL Tax Certificates information? If yes, then you have chosen the right platform to get its entire knowledge. The selected content will help you to provide its necessary details.

PTCL is an excellent platform to provide the best internet service throughout the year. It helps its users to stay connected. In return, the users do pay tax for its amazing service. However, the users who pay tax on time demand to get the tax certificate. Consequently, they receive a PTCL tax certificate for landline and EVO/charji services very easily. The internet online plays a crucial role for it.

What Is a withholding tax certificate

Basically, withholding tax, or a retention tax, is an income tax to be paid to the government. It is paid through the payer of the income rather than by the recipient of the income. The tax is decreased or deducted from the amount due to the recipient. In most jurisdictions, the retaining tax is used for employment income.

How to get a PTCL tax certificate

Its entire process is given below:

  • Visit the official webpage to retrieve the current PTCL certificate.
  • Select the service type whether it is a landline or EVO/charji.
  • Dial the account ID that is given on your bill.
  • Choose the area code and tap your contact number.
  • Choose the time for the WHT statement.
  • Solve the captcha and put down alphabets in the blank box.
  • Now hit on the “Inquire Tax”.

How to download the PTCL Tax certificate

Afterwards, you would be diverted to the page. It will display a desired certificate on his/her screen. As a result, you can install it easily.


Here, we have mentioned all the necessary details of the PTCL tax certificate. We have provided the whole guidance, but if you are still perplexed about anything related to this topic you can ask by dropping a comment. We will make sure to solve it for you as soon as possible.

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